College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 2001-5
Initial Site Studies:UMN-CALA
Site Elevation (Surface to Mantle)
35 feet Quaternary terrace sand, gravelly sand, silty sand
25 feet
thickover 10 feet of till.
5 feet Decorah Shale (mostly eroded):
30 feet Platteville Formation: Limestone and dolostone.
5 feet Glenwood Formation: Shale and sandstone.
165 feet St. Peter Sandstone: Fine- to medium grained sandstone
with minor shale and siltstone.
125 feet Prairie du Chien Group: Dolostone and minor sandstone.
100 feet Jordan Sandstone: Fine-, medium- and coarse-grained
40 feet St. Lawrence Formation: Dolomitic siltstone.
140 feet Franconia Formation: Very fine- to fine sandstone
and siltstone,glauconitic.
65 feet Ironton and Galesville Sandstone: Fine- to medium
grained sandstone.
95 feet Eau Claire Formation: Siltstone, shale, very-fine
grained sandstone.
260 feet Mt. Simon Sandstone: Fine- to coarse-grained sandstone,
minor shale
2.7 - 4 km Solor Church Formation: Red-brown shale and lithic
sandstone. (8860 -13125 feet)
About 3 km Mid Proterozoic volcanic rock. (9800 feet)
1065 feet to the
base of the Paleozoic formations
9925 to 14190 feet to the base of the Solar Church Formation.
Data supplied
John Mossler, Minnesota Geological Survey
Research 1; Research
2; Conceptual 1; Conceptual
2; Conceptual 3;
Design 1;
Design 2; Quarry 1; Quarry 2