1938 PU Football Team
Pacific Northwest Conference Co-champions

Left to right, row 1: Boak, Coach Folgate, Wiles, Gilman, Pangle, Amend, Parton.
Row 2: McIrvin, Lemke, J. Taylor, Naef, Harding, Horner, Merz.
Row 3: Roloff, Taylor, Racette, Timoney, Britton, Anderson, Whipple, Sager.
Row 4: Ruckert, Mrak, Gipe, Nash, Jarvis, Lieuallen, Owens, Woodard.

Football 1938

Toppling the mighty Willamette Bearcats and ending in a tie for the Northwest Conference grid title, the Pacific University Badgers celebrated one of the strongest grid seasons in history.

Whle they lost two non-conference games and one conference tilt to the College of Idaho, Pacific turned in outstanding triumphs over Linfield, Whitman, College of Puget Sound and climaxed the season with a sensational 6-0 vin over the Willamette eleven, undefeated in the last five years of conference play.

The Badgers dropped their opener to Portland University by a 26-6 score. Len Gilman passed to George Racette for the first score of the game, but lack of reserves caused the Pacific eleven to give way to a second half Pilot drive.

Led by Gilman, Pacific's little all-American triple-threat halfback, the Badgers chalked up their first conference victory over Linfield in the second game of the season. The score was 13-0. Howard Horner, Ernie Naef, and John Harding turned in sixty-minute performances.

The passing combination of Gilman to Racette scored two of the three touchdowns in Pacific's 21 trouncing of C. P. S. in their second straight conference win.

The Badgers ran into one of the strongest little college elevens in the country when they faced San Jose State and received a 39-0 drubbing.

In a thrilling homecoming clash the Pacific squad estblished themselves as one of the conference favorites by defeating the Whitman Missionaries 13-6 after trailing 6-0 until the last of the first period. Captain Jimmy Wiles led the Badgers with a stellar performance at this end position.

Overconfidence and illness combined at Cladwell caused the Badgers to fall before an inspired Coyote eleven in Pacific's only conference defeat, 14-7.

Then, entering their final game of the season decided underdogs, the Badgers outfought, outran, outpassed, outtackled and outblocked an undefeated Willamette University eleven and knocked the Bearcats over 6-0 in the latter's first conference defeat in five years. Len Gillman tossed to Geroge Racette for the only score. Ernie Naef, Captain Jimmy Wiles and Howard Horner turned in stellar defensive performances.

The starting eleven for the Badgers was: Racette and Wiles, ends; Roloff and Amend, tackles; Bryant and Naef, guards; Harding, center; Taylor, quarterback; Panlge and Gilman, halfs; and Horner, fullback. Lewis Merz was forced from the lineup with an injured shoulder in the middle of the season, while Bill Britton, another senior guard, was out the first part of the season, but came back strong in the later part.

Lettermen of 1938 were: 1938 captain, Jimmy Wiles; Ernie Naef, elected 1939 captain; George Racette, Harvey Roloff, Merton Whipple, Lloyd Timoney, Ivon Amend, Bill Britton, Lewis Merz, John Harding, Donald Bryant, Fred Lemke, Johnny Taylor, Lee Pangle, Len Gilman, Elwayne Lieuallen, Howard Horner, Bob Woodward, Bob Boak and Frank Taylor.